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Jinx Remover is the perfect addition to your spiritual bath and to combat this negativity. The jinx remover combats a person or thing that brings bad luck. It removes evil spells that are cast on you.

Jinx Remover can be used to safely remove jinxes, curses, hexes, and other dark magic from yourself, your home, and from sacred items to protect them from harmful energies.

This blend may be used in many ways, such as:

Add to spiritual baths to enhance spiritual cleansing’s. Wear as a cologne to create a protective shield. Mist or spray the area to repel negative energy and negative spirits. Mist or spray the area to attract good spirits. Mist or spray the bed sheets to remove negative energy and attract benevolent spirits and protection during sleep. Use to wash, prepare, or baptize spiritual items in preparation for use. Add a few drops to a glass of water and place on your ancestral altar as an offering to your ancestors. Add to floor washes for its cleansing and blessing properties.

Get rid of that bad ju-ju!

Jinx Remover Cologne Spiritual Water

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